SAVERIO MIGNONE (IT) - BW & Co - Shipping and Superyacht Law Firm

Shipping and Superyacht Law Firm in Monaco, London and Genoa
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Saverio Mignone is an Italian qualified lawyer, with over fifteen years of experience.

Saverio acquired a vast and varied experience in legal issues spanning the entire shipping law sector, encompassing admiralty law, yachting, insurance, international trade.

Saverio is a reputed and acute litigator and he regularly assists large corporations both Italian and international in matters ranging from commercial and maritime dispute resolution to litigation before Italian Courts and Italian and foreign arbitration tribunals.

Shipyards, ship-owners, charterers, underwriters and brokers are among his clients. He is usually involved in managing cases of an international nature, and has developed a wide network of relationships with foreign clients and law firms abroad.

Saverio is also used to manage non-contentious cases and dealing with negotiating and drafting shipbuilding contracts, sale and purchase agreements, refit contracts, etc.
Saverio Mignone
Mobile: +39 349 2552345
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